SPRI has hired a heavy hitter, Chadwick Collins of TK Sebastian LLC, as its technical director (TD). He is responsible for leading and managing all aspects of the SPRI’s technical agenda including identifying, communicating, and assisting in developing action plans in response to activities being undertaken by regulatory and governmental agencies, and other groups that may impact SPRI and its members in the roofing industry. He reports to the Board of Directors and will report regularly to SPRI’s Managing Director and the SPRI Technical Committee Chair.
Chadwick brings nearly 20 years of roofing and advocacy experience to SPRI. For the past five years, he was director of codes and regulatory compliance for Kellen Company, an association and trade organization management firm headquartered in Atlanta. Earlier he had been with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, an engineering and architectural firm in Indianapolis. He started his career in roofing with Johns Manville where he spent six years first as a technical services representative, eventually becoming a specifier services engineer, and then six years with Firestone Building Products Company, as a senior codes engineer and senior innovation and industrial advocacy engineer.
Chadwick holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Miami and is currently a member of ASTM International, the International Code Council (ICC), the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC), and the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC).
Vision for SPRI
As TD for SPRI, Chadwick will be involved in all aspects of SPRI’s technical agenda and will take an active role in working with ASTM, code bodies, and the regulatory community. But he also sees the need to push the organization for further growth.
“In the spectrum of modern roofing – from BUR to single-ply materials – I think that we are at a transition point for the single-ply industry. Many national code and regulatory topics need to be addressed, and SPRI is in a good position to take a lead role in handling them. I also think we need to transition from ‘observing to influencing’ and believe that SPRI is well positioned to become the industry’s ‘go-to’ place for technical roofing information. We can and should drive thought leadership in the industry and we need to be prepared not only for issues that we’re currently facing but the next ones on the horizon.”
How he got into the roofing industry.
“While my degree is in mechanical engineering, my interest when I graduated was in working at the University of Miami in student life. I was not excited about many of the mechanical engineering work opportunities in Florida at the time, primarily with entities such as NASA or Florida Power & Light. But in 2005 I ended up moving back to my home state of Kentucky, and despite not having any experience, was able to get a job with Johns Manville as a technical services representative for Kentucky and Indiana. That eventually led to other roles, which more and more were involved in codes and regulations. Those experiences taught me two valuable lessons. First, I found out that I am talented at dealing with code issues, and second, I found out that I enjoy code and regulatory work, strategic planning, and leveraging data to an advantage, such as defending a code or proposing code changes. Learning all that very early has had a big positive impact on my life and career.”
Major Accomplishments.
“I’m very proud of much of the work I’ve done at all of my career stops. An example would be by working through data analysis, I was able to propose audit manual changes without additional product testing with a third-party listing entity. This was accepted by the listing service and it saved hundreds of thousands of dollars per plant per year for the product line.
“I’m also very proud of some of the recent work I did with multiple association clients. I helped one client draft and submit multiple code change proposals in the most recent ICC Group B proceedings. Since the client parted ways with the company before the ICC hearings took place, I could not testify on their behalf. When the proposals came up, there was no supporting testimony or opposition, so the proposal stood on its own. That’s very rare with ICC code changes. I was very proud that I had taken the time to provide a well-thought-out, researched, and written proposal that ultimately was recommended for approval by the committee.”
“The Roof Coatings Manufacturers Association (RCMA) periodically gives a prestigious award, the James ‘Tim’ Nelligan Industry Statesman Award, to one of its members. The award is given in appreciation of special efforts made to advance the roof coatings industry and is usually given to a member who has spent a lifetime in the roof coatings industry. I’m very proud to be one of the very few people, and the only non-member, to have ever received this award from RCMA. It was a very proud and humbling moment for me.”
“With a wife and two children, ages 8 and 14, there’s not tons of ‘relaxation’ time, but we are very active with our parish, I’ve served as a high school youth ministry volunteer, and my wife and I chaired a major annual fundraising that raised over $250,000 during our tenure. I have been very active with my oldest’s scouting activities, first as a Den Leader and Assistant Cubmaster, and now as a merit badge counselor and a counselor for Catholic religious medals.”
Chadwick is a jack of all trades at home, which he credits to his upbringing. Living around his large extended family and growing up around the multiple businesses in the family, he was given hands-on experience in upholstery, auto repair, plumbing, wiring, carpentry, furniture making, and garment sewing. Over the years he’s installed new floors, a gas water heater, re-wired some rooms, kept his scout’s uniform up-date, sewed a formal dress for his wife, and has even made some furniture, including their kitchen table, bedframe, and nightstands. He says it’s enjoyable and relaxing work for him.
Last Thoughts
“I’m a big believer in always having open and honest communications and leveraging people’s strengths and talents to achieve goals. For SPRI, I’m going to be focused on helping everyone meet our stated goals, and on making sure that we’re working in harmony as a unified team all pulling in the same direction. SPRI is a wonderful and dedicated organization with a great group of members, and I’m looking forward to working with everyone on the SPRI team.”