SPRI Membership

Membership Application

Membership Application


Membership in this organization shall be limited to North American based persons, corporations, or partnerships engaged in the pre-formed flexible sheet membrane roofing industry. Membership shall not include any of the above whose primary business is installation.
REGULAR voting membership in this organization shall be limited to persons, corporations, or partnerships which manufacture or market flexible sheet membrane roofing systems; but not including independent manufacturers’ representatives or distributors.

Associate voting membership in this organization shall be limited to persons, partnerships, corporations and other forms of business entities that manufacture and/or market raw materials, components, accessories, tools or equipment used in or for the flexible sheet membrane roof systems industry.

Affiliate Membership. Affiliate membership shall be limited to persons, partnerships, corporations, and other business entities whose primary business is professional roof consulting (such as IIBEC members with RRC certification), roofing industry architects (such as AIA members), those who specify (such as CSI members with CDT certification), independent testing professionals and other entities (such as those ISO 17025-accredited by IAS), and other professional and accredited consultants in and for the flexible sheet membrane roof systems industry.

We agree to abide by the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of SPRI, to pay all levied dues and assessments, and to offer our cooperation in the activities of SPRI to further its objectives consistent with SPRI’s Bylaws, policies and requirements.

Applicant Information

Address *

Annual Membership dues are $17,180.

Annual Membership dues are $13,550.

Annual Membership dues are $3,500.


Attach an explanation and any necessary information which describes your company/business' functions and establishes how your organization qualifies for one (or more) of the above listed SPRI Membership categories.

If the applicant is affiliated with another company/business which would not likely qualify for SPRI Membership, please include sufficient information to establish that the applicant-organization for SPRI Membership is clearly and demonstrably a separate legal entity, and functions independently for the applicant's other related company and/or business.

File Upload

Maximum file size: 20MB

Additional Company Representatives


Sign and Verify

The SPRI Board will review your application at its next scheduled meeting and will notify you of its decision.

We thank you for your submission.